Each year, I make reading goals for myself and I write them in my book journal so that I don’t lose sight of them throughout the year. Most years, I don’t quite achieve them all but that has never stopped me from making them.
Here are my reading life goals for 2021:
- First, I want to take more time with my books. I tend to rush through books and last year, my reviews were compromised because I waited too long to write them in my journal. I want to pause and reflect after each book.
- Read at least 3 classics this year. I was so inspired by my booktube friend, Peta’s (ComfyCozsyUp) video where she talked about the classic books she read last year. I often bypass the classics, including ones I own to read more current books but her passion when talking about them really inspired me to bring them into my reading life.
- Read a minimum of 6 Caribbean books (books by Caribbean authors or Caribbean descent). Every year I include this goal with varying numbers. I have a growing collection and my renewed excitement stems from the wonderful recommendations on Instagram.
- Read at least 10 books from my bookshelf. Sounds simple you say? Well, I get distracted by bright shiny new objects and that is whatever I see on other booktube videos or new release books so this year I will try to reign it in.
- Write at least one blog post for this site a week. I really enjoy looking back at this content and hope to create more dialog on this blog.
- I would like to post at least one booktube video a week. I definitely increased the number of videos over the years but I lack a regular schedule. I would like to work on that.
- When listening to my friend, Didi (Brown Girl Reading) I was inspired to include the goal of reading at least four 400+ paged books this year. I read some large books last year and want to finally free myself of the chunkster phobia.
- I want to write reviews in my book journal for the books I read this year, right after I read them so my thoughts are fresh.
- I want to connect with other book bloggers and work on collaborations. I used to follow a good number of book bloggers but somehow totally disconnected. I would like to find ways to bring them back into my routine.
I will do a quarterly check-in to see how I am progressing. This should help me stick to these goals.
What are your reading life goals for 2021?