Hello, and happy Black History Month. As you know, I read books written by black authors throughout the year but I still like to participate in the festivities and celebrations that take place during Black History Month. I enjoy watching TV shows and shopping stores for products created for the special month. In my reading life, I enjoy participating in the reading challenges on YouTube and Instagram.
This year Didi @browngirlreading is hosting her annual Read Soul Lit read along and the book is a new-to-me authors, Jedah Mayberry and Kate Morrison. The book is entitled, Sun is Sky. I can’t wait to see what is in store for me in this book.
I started buddy reading The 1619 Project on MLK day so I will continue to read it through the month of February. I do believe, I will be shopping for more page flags soon. There is so much that I am learning from this book.
We lost the amazing Bell Hooks in December and I am so sad that I haven’t read any of her books before she passed. So I pulled All About Love off my bookshelf and intend on reading it this month. I like that this one talks about love and how fitting with Valentine’s day on the way!

Those are the three I have selected and if time allows I might slip in a graphic novel. Are you reading or watching something for Black History Month?