Shop my Bookshelves

by belinda
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I have been enjoying watching booktubers find creative ways to read the books that they own. I too, struggle with books coming in faster than I can read and being distracted by the shiny new ‘new release’ books that are all promoted all over the place. So I jumped on board and created a Blind TBR which I have to say has been a fun and exciting way to “treat myself” to books wrapped and ready for me to read them. So far it has been a success so I am going to continue doing it.

But the distracted mood reader in me has been watching people “shop” their shelves and I just had to rummage through my shelves again and select some additional books to cure my restless self this month. If you haven’t already watched my video you can check it out and see me search my bookshelves and discuss why I selected the following books:

All of these books are so different but I am sure the ones that I read this month will fill my constantly changing reading interests.

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